Welcome to the official webpage of the Astrochemistry and Astrobiology group of (GAA) the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP). We are one of the first research groups in these subjects in Brazil and also in South America. The scientific PI of this group is Prof. Sergio Pilling. This page is still under construction.
B) The team
C) PhD and master thesis
Serio Pilling. Doutorado (Cnpq/UFRJ). Fev/2006
Diana P. P. Andrade. Doutorado (FAPERJ/UFRJ). out/2008.
Alexandre Bergantini. Mestrado (INCT-A/FVE). Mar/2012
Williamary Portugal. Mestrado (CAPES/FVE)). Ago/2012
Astrochemistry and Astrobiology
Laboratory of Univap
E) Publications
G) Pictures
H) Oportunities
- PhD students and pos-doc are needed!!
I) Links
- Whitepaper sobre Astroquímica
- IAU 231 (Astrochemistry - Recent Sucesses and Current Challenges) USA/2005
- IAU 251 (Astrochemistry - Organic Matter in space) HONGKONG/2008
- IAU 280 (Astrochemistry - The Molecular Universe) SPAIN/2011
- Modos de vibracão de moléculas
- Encontro sobre moléculas complexas no Universo UFRGS/2011
- First Workshop on ´Experimental Laboratory Astrophysics´ HAWAII/2013
- Chemical Evoltuion of Star Forming Region and Origin of Life - Astrochem/2012
- Observation of interstellar molecules
H) Acknowledgments
Última atualização em 18/09/2013 (S. Pilling) gaa univap GAA UNIVAP gaa-univap GAA/UNIVAP LASA UNIVAP LASA-UNIVAP astroquimica astrochemistry astrobiology exobiology molecular astrophysics laboratorio